Updating the epidemiology of dermatophyte infections in Palestine with special reference to concomitant dermatophytosis.
Publication Type
Original research
  • M.S. Ali-Shtayeh
  • S. Yaish
  • R.M. Jamous
  • H. Arda
  • E.I. Husein
To determine the epidemiology of dermatophytosis in Palestinian patients, detect changes in the etiological agents during the last three decades, and to correlate between concomitant tinea pedis infections, and other cutaneous lesions.
220 suspected dermatophytosis patients were involved in this study. In an additional 38 cases, where consultation was prompted by tinea pedis, the presence of other lesions of concomitant dermatophytosis was studied, to further investigate the diagnosis. Clinical specimens were collected and identification of dermatophyte species was based on gross and microscopic morphology.
Epidemiology of tinea capitis has gone the most radical changes in Palestine in the last three decades, with the zoophilic dermatophyte Microsporum canis replacing Trichophyton violaceum, becoming the predominant causative agent. During this study, 21.6% (38/176) patients with tinea pedis and concomitant lesions caused by the same dermatophytes at sites distant from the primary lesions in the foot were prospectively identified. About 63.2% of patients with tinea pedis have a concomitant toenail onychomycosis infection.
The epidemiology of dermatophytosis, especially tinea capitis, has gone the most radical changes in Palestine in the last three decades, with M. canis replacing T. violaceum, and becoming the predominant causative agent of all cases of infections. The coexistence of tinea pedis with other types of fungal skin infections is a frequent phenomenon; we believe that the infected foot may be a site of primary infection. Thus, the effective therapy for tinea pedis is essential to prevent spreading the infection to other sites of the skin.

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Journal de Mycologie Médicale 01/2015; Accepted for publication MYCMED-D-14-00075R1.
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