The Effect of Applying Study Skills on University Student's Learning by using Notes-‎Taking and Underlining
Publication Type
Original research
  • Darwazeh, A. N. ‎
The study tried to investigate the effect of notes taking and underlining as embedded versus detached and detached with review instructional system.  The students academic ability level (High & Low ) was taken into consideration too.
A 114 random sample: (25) male and (89) female junior college at An-najah National University in Palestine was presented with a 1800 word passage talking about "Arab Unification ".  The sample randomly assigned into eight groups:  Seven experimental groups distributed as follows:  Two groups received either notes or underlined passage to serve as embedded instructional system.  Other two groups asked either to take their notes or to underline the important ideas in the passage to serve as detached instructional system.   Other two groups asked to take their notes or to underline the important ideas in the passage, then to review the notes they took and the ideas they underlined immediately before taking the test.  The seventh experimental group asked to apply any study skill that might help her to understand the passage.  The eighth group was control group in which students asked to read the passage only.
On a 24 short-answer posttest questions measured three levels of learning:  remember, understand, and inference learning, the One-way and Two-Way ANOVA by using ( F ) test have revealed the following results:
1- On remember and understand subtests, there was no significant effect between the embedded and detached instructional system in which the study skills are applied.  On the other hand there was a significant difference on the inference subtest ( p < .04), and approached significant on the Total test ( p < .09 ).  These differences indicated that the embedded system of the study skills is better than the detached one with review but not better than the detached system only.
This result showed that the review of study skills is not effective when performed immediately after reading the passage and before taking the exam promptly.
2- On all subtests and the Total test, there is no significant effect between the notes taking and underlining as study skills.
3- On all subtests and the Total test, there is a significant effect ( p < .05 )  between the high and low academic ability students which indicated that the high ability students are better than the low ones in using their study skills, hence in enhancing their learning.
4- On most of subtest and the Total test, the average of experimental groups' performance was higher than the average of the control group with a significant effect ( p<.05 ) on the inference test for the experimental group which received the notes from the teacher. 
These results came along discussions, implementations, and recommendations for future studies.
Arabic Universities Union Journal, (42), 167-204
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)