The New Patterns of the Israeli Road Measures and their Impact on the Palestinian Transport Sector
Publication Type
Original research
  • Khaled Al-Sahili

The Israeli authorities imposed several measures and restrictions on movement of people and goods within the Palestinian road network since the eruption of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000. This study aims to analyze these patterns and their impact on the transportation sector in the West Bank, to provide scientific documentation of these measures, and to assist the Palestinian decision makers. The severity and number of these measures fluctuated from time to time and from location to another. There was a decline in the number of certain measures (earth mounds/walls and trenches) and an increase in road blocks and gates. These measures targeted particular locations in the West Bank, and aimed at dividing it into geographical zones; north, middle, and south, in addition to the Jordan Valley. The imposed road measures had a severe impact on the transportation sector in terms of cost, time, distance, quality of service, physical damages to the road network, and the condition of road pavement. The study concluded that the Israeli authorities institutionalized these measures at the cost of the Palestinian lands and the suffering of the Palestinian travelers. This has lead to a decline in the Palestinian economic competitiveness. The study recommends conducting a comprehensive study at the Palestinian official level about the patterns and institutionalization of these measures, so as to document these measures and impacts and to take the necessary countermeasures, as much as possible.

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An-Najah University Journal for Research - Natural Sciences - Volume 21, Issue 1, 2007
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)