An-Najah National University Students, Adjustment in the Light of some Variables
Publication Type
Original research
  • Ali Habayeb
  • Jamal Abu-Maraq

This study aimed to examine the reality of adjustment in its social, educational, emotional and discipline-wise dimesions on the part of An-Najah National University students. It also aimed at reaching the difference in the adjustment reality and the interaction amongst its variables, namely, college, gender, major change and lodging in the university environment. To realize objectives of study, the two researchers used (the adjustment to university) questionnaire prepared by Jamal al-Leil (1993). The sample consisted of 845 students, 346 of whom, male and 499, male, in the 2nd semester-2007/2008. One finding (of the study) was that the adjustment reality, across the four dimensions, was positive: 1st came the social dimension (74.8%), followed by the emotional (56.47%), third was the discipline factor (54.80%) and last, educational/academic study (51.53%). Another finding was that there were no statistically significant differences in the adjustment reality across the social, educational and discipline dimensions in regard to the college variable. But differences were found in the emotional domain to the advantage of humanities faculties. No differences, however, were found in the social and emotional domains in relation to the gender variable. Notwithstanding, there were differences in the educational and discipline dimensions in relation to the gender factor to the advantage of males (in discipline) and to females (in the educational). Another finding was that there were no differences in the discipline dimension in relation to change of major variable. However, statistically significant differences were found the social, educational and emotional level, in relation to change of major at variable to the advantage of students who did not change their major. Results also showed no differences in the lodging variable in the emotional and discipline dimensions, but differences in the social and educational levels were in favor of students who lodged near campus. Finally, recommendations were made in the light of study results.

An-Najah University Journal for Research, Humanities, Volume 23, Issue 3
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)