The Usage Degree of Education Sciences College Students at An -Najah National University of the Internet
Publication Type
Original research
  • Afnan Darwazeh

The aim of this study was to investigate the usages of the Internet by education college students at An-Najah National University, and to see whether these usages are affected by other related factors. In order to accomplish this aim, a (100) random sample: (48) male and (52) female education sciences college students was surveyed by distributing a questionnaire of two parts: one part consisted of (22) items reflecting the Internet possible usages, and the other one consisted of (10) semi open questions asking students about certain personal information. The descriptive statistics by using averages and percentages, and the analytic statistics by using “f-test and t-test” revealed the following results:
1) The average of the Internet usages by education sciences college students was weak. The mean was (x = 2.91) out of (5.00) scores.
2) The students’ usages of the Internet were highest in registration at the university, registrations for courses, looking up for their marks. These usages are followed by studying and researching, and using Yahoo and Google gofer usages. These usages ranged between excellent and very good. the usages which got good rate were related to social and political issues, Whereas, the usages which got acceptable rate were related to searching for sites belonging to important people, companies, or universities. But the weak usages were related to searching sites for amusements, games, and others of literary, artistic, athletic matters, chatting rooms, subscribing to periodicals and scientific journals. The weakest usages of the Internet were related to corresponding university for getting certificates, designing home pages for themselves, using e-mail for sending and receiving files, and using the internet for commercial purposes.
3) The variables which have no significant effects on students’ usages of the Internet were: gender, training programs on using the internet, English language difficulties, believing in the benefit of the internet in facilitating the university studies. Whereas, the variables which have significant effects (α> 0.05) on students’ usages of the Internet were: having a computer connected to the Internet at home, going to the Internet coffee in case they don’t have the access to the internet at homes, believing that the university must secures more Internet clusters, preferring of using the Internet to books, and spending more than three hours on the Internet daily. These results came along with discussions, recommendations, and applications.

An-Najah University Journal for Research, Humanities, Volume 23, Issue 3
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)