?Is It Allowed to Transform Usurious Banks Into Islamic Ones Through Money Laundering
Publication Type
Original research

This study deals with the attempts to Islamize Banks constructed by usury money or through Islamic escape windows depending on usury brotherhoodor money laundering in an Islamic method. It discusses constructing Islamic establishments with virulent profits added to the absence of the Islamic standard for circulating their money through the legitimate exchange rates my laundering them in an Islamic method. The study deals also with these banks' deviation from the real purposes of the Islamic Banking. It tries to define the constructing legitimacy the impact of the ill-gotten money on the gained profits by investing through legitimate methods. The study concluded the opposition of these banks to the religious values and the deviation of these banks from the proper implementation of the Islamic capital deals.  In addition to the impact of the ill-gotten money on the profits of the investments through legitimate methods. The study came to the result that these banks have deviated from the real purposes of Islamic exchange procedure and valuesand that it is earnestly seeking to be close to its real motherthe evil banks as a result of its Human staff relation with the usury activity and their misunderstanding of the implementation between the Islamic exchange and the usury systemand changing these tricks into origins and purposes for the Islamic Banking System. This topic is the issue that the study tries to prove through legal criterions of the legitimate profitsand the jurisprudence indicatives of the implementation factors in addition to the clean laundering of the money by Islamic methods free of tricks and misdeeds.

شاهد الملف المرفق

مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للأبحاث والدراسات
جامعة القدس المفتوحة
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)