The Degree that the Qalqilia Schools’ Teachers Consider the “Bloom’s Taxonomy” in Cognitive Domain when they Planning for Teaching
Publication Type
Original research
  • Afnan Darwazeh

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the Palestinian teachers consider the “Bloom’s cognitive levels” while they’re planning for teaching. The study also aimed to know which of those levels the teachers consider more. To accomplish these aims, a simple random sample of four hundred teachers: 174 male, and 226 female was drawn randomly form the government schools in “Qalqilia Governorate” in West Bank. A 98 - item questionnaire consisted of the key words of the six cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy was distributed to the target sample. The data were manipulated by using the descriptive and analytic statistics. The major results of this study were that, the teachers’ consideration of Bloom’s cognitive levels was very good (%80.8). The knowledge level got significantly the highest percentage, followed by the comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation level respectively. The results showed that there were no significant differences between knowledge and comprehension levels, nor between synthesis and evaluation ones. This study also found that the teachers who teach in the secondary stage considered the Bloom’s cognitive levels significantly better than those who teach in the basic stage. In addition, teachers who attended between six to ten training programs during service considered those cognitive levels significantly better than those who attended just less than ten training programs. These results came along with discussions and recommendations for further future studies

An-Najah University Journal for Research, Humanities, Volume 25, Issue 10
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)