This study aims at examining the employment of visual techniques in digital public relations
on the "International Committee of the Red Cross in the Occupied Territories" - Palestine-
Facebook page during the Covid-19 pandemic, in the period (5-3-2020) to (5-9-2020). The
study relied on a descriptive approach to analyze the visual content by using the semiotic
analysis analysis of digital images based on framing theory, compatibility theory and
cognitive dissonance, two-stage information flow theory, and prioritization theory (agenda
setting). The study sought to answer the following question: How does the International
Committee of the Red Cross operating in occupied Palestine employ visual persuasion
techniques to enhance its mental image as a humanitarian organization through digital images
in its Facebook page during the COVID-19 epidemic?
In terms of type, they enhance the mental image, albeit not at the required level, given that the
likelihood of exposure to qualitative images with impact was limited due to their low level.
Moreover, there are no specific rules in the selection of images, except for the aspect that
reflects the nature and principles of the work of the (ICRC). The color, lighting, image angle
and depth of the field clearly impacted the delivery of the (ICRC) message in some of the
images analysed in the study. The majority of the images analysed also reflected the
humanitarian aspect, reflecting the nature of the work of the (ICRC). The researcher found
that the images analysed achieved many goals and reflected important aspects of the
Palestinian reality, particularly in the health, humanitarian, economic and social aspects of the
COVID-19 epidemic.