Measurements and Dimensions of the Heart and the level of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction among Elite Palestinian Taekwondo Players
Publication Type
Original research



Objectives: This study aimed to identify heart measurements and dimensions and left ventricular systolic ejection Fraction among elite Palestinian Taekwondo players.

Methodology: The researcher used the descriptive approach, as the study was conducted on a sample consisting of (46) male and female players (26) of whom were male, the study sample members underwent an echocardiographic examination (ECHO) by using the M-MODE feature.

Results: The results indicated that the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the thickness of the interventricular septum (IVS) in male players reached (10.14 mm) (±1.21), while in female players it reached (7.17 mm) (±0.95). The mean and standard deviation of the left ventricular internal diameter at the end of diastole in male players (LVEDD) reached (51.27 mm), (±2.17), and in female players (44.87 mm) (±3.31), with regard to the left ventricular posterior diastolic wall thickness (LVPWD). The mean and standard deviation for male players reached (7.98 mm) (±0.89), and for female players it reached (6.83 mm) (±0.76), and with regard to the variable left ventricular internal diameter at the end of systole (LVESD), the mean and deviation reached The standard for male players was (32.53 mm), (±2.34), and for female players (28.18 mm) (±1.98), and finally the mean and standard deviation of the percentage of systolic left ventricular ejection Fraction (LVEF) for male players was (63.74%), (±6.01) As for female players, it was (61.69%) (±5.23).


Conclusion: All heart measurements and dimensions of the elite Palestinian Taekwondo players, male and female, came within normal and physiological limits, and the left ventricular systolic ejection capacity was within normal and physiological limits, which gave a clear indication of the stucture and functions of the heart among elite players in Palestinian Taekwondo.

المجلة الأردنية للعلوم التطبيقية
جامعة العلوم التطبيقية/ الأردن
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)