The credit card of murabaha & Ijarah (leasing) of benefits and services in the Palestinian Islamic Bank (critical & analaytical jurisprudential study)
Publication Type
Original research

This research aims to answer a main question: To which extent does the credit card (Mastercard) based on Murabaha and Ijara in the Palestinian Islamic Bank (PIB) accomply with the Islamic jurisprudence standards, and the regulations related to the agency contract and the Murabaha sale according to the ordering person to buy and the Ijara (lease contract) of the benefits and services? The research followed descriptive and analytic approach represented in gathering all the detais relaited to the mentioned card and its application, and the Islamic jurisprudential foundations on which it was based, with discussion, analysis and criticism. The research is characterized as an analytical and critical jurisprudence study, to a new Islamic banking product, in the consedration of the scarcity of Islamic studies about it. The search was divided into two sections: The first dealt with the descreption of the card, and its application in the (PIB), and its jurisprudential adaptation. The second presented the most important jurisprudential problems in it.The research arrived at different findings, the most outstanding are: That there are real jurisprudential problems in the card that undermine its Islamic legitimacy, including: Violating the provisions of agency and rental in the matter of liability, and guarantee. The non defined goods benefits and services. The customer’s acceptance of buying from the bank for himself or renting, is made previously in the agreement to issue the card, before the bank owns the goods, benefits or services. The absence of any actual legal oversight that guarantees the jurisprudential hierarchy in the operations and their jurisprudential controls, what may causes a great damage to the image of the Islamic banks and what differentiates them from usurious banks.

Keywords: credit card. Islamic banks. Murabaha. Murabaha card.

المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية
جامعة آل البيت
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Both (Printed and Online)