discussion of nationalism in the manar interpretation
Publication Type
Original research


The study took the discussion of nationalism in the manar interpretation, so we can find out if the study referred to it or not? And what we had find out via reading and text-following is that nationalistic ferver has been obvious through it, and the intrepretor had shown and expressed his love for his homeland, and how effected he is by his surroundings, and discussion about his homeland and islamic lands was obvious specially when he talked about the quranic verses which spoke about homelands like verses which talked how prophets loved their homelands, or how hard it was for them to leave their lands, or versed which distinctively expressed names of different lands like the holy mosque in mecca(al-masjid alharam) or al-aqsa mosque in jerusalem. And we concluded that one of highly important evidence of nationalism in his interpretation is to show how highly-valued his homeland is and the urge to love the homeland, and to defend it and its people and expose ill-hearted people who seek to destroy it, and the urge to always seek to improve ones homeland through all means. and one of the most important effects of nationalism through the interpretation is the correction of thd concept of nationalism, and how interpretators were highly considerate of the reality which they worked from, like promulgate positive values etc. Opening words, nationalistic aspect, almanar interpretation

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المركز الديمقراطي العربي
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Online only
65- 87