This study sheds light on the city of Asqalan in Palestine, from the beginning of the Crusader invasion of the Islamic Near East in the year 492AH/1099AD until its fall by the Crusaders in the year 548AH/1153AD. The study began with a geographical introduction that explained its location and importance, then it addressed the Islamic Conquest of it in the year 23AH/644AD, the extent of the Muslim caliphs’ interest in it, and its conditions prior to the Crusader invasion. Asqalan formed a major base for defending the Fatimid properties, and the steadfastness and jihad of its people led to the strengthening of the Fatimid presence in Palestine for a period of time, through their participation in the jihad against the Crusaders in the southern regions. It also played a major role in the attempts to liberate the city of Jerusalem. The Crusaders were able to occupy Asqalan due to the unequal balance of power, the weakness of the Fatimid state, and the dispersion that the Islamic world was suffering from, which led to the expansion of Crusader control in Palestine and other targeted countries.
Keywords: Palestine, Asqalan, Fatimid State, Crusader invasion.