المناعة النفسية وعلاقتها بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية ودافع الانجاز لدى معلمي ومعلمات التربية الرياضية لذوى الاحتياجات التربوية الخاصة في محافظة القدس
Publication Type
Original research
Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate the levels of psychological resilience, social responsibility and achievement motivation among PE teachers for people with special educational needs in Jerusalem governorate schools and the relationship between them. In addition to determine the differences in the levels of psychological resilience, social responsibility and achievement motivation among PE teachers according to the variables of gender and teaching experience years. Method: The study was conducted on a convenient sample including (67) PE teachers and represented about (56%) of the study population. The researcher used the descriptive approach in its correlational and analytic methods for its compatibility to the study nature. The researcher used psychological resilience, social responsibility scales (Risheq, 2021) and designed a new instrument to measure achievement motivation after ensuring their scientific characteristics. SPSS program was used to analyze data and the level of significance was set at (0.05). Results: The results revealed the levels of psychological resilience, social responsibility and achievement motivation among PE teachers for people with special educational needs in Jerusalem governorate schools were high, as mean of response for the total scores were (3.66, 3.68, and 3.80) respectively. In addition, there were statistically significant relationship between the level of psychological resilience and each of the social responsibility and achievement motivation among PE teachers (r= 0.67, and 0.88; p ≤ 0.01) respectively. Finally, there were statistically significant differences in the levels of psychological resilience, social responsibility and achievement motivation among PE teachers according to gender variable in favor of male teachers, and no statistically significant differences were noticed according to the variable of teaching experience years. Recommendations: It is necessary for the directorate of education to hold courses in psychological and social counseling for PE teaches in order to know how to deal with students with special and educational needs in the different educational stage.
هالة مروان موسي جرار
مجلة علوم الرياضة
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Publication Type
Prtinted only