الوَحدة الموضوعيّة النسقيّة في النسق الرمزيّ في الخطاب الصوفيّ: دراسةٌ لنظريّة الحقيقة المحمديّة في ضوء النظريّة الثقافيّة-خطاب عفيف الدين التلمسانيّ نموذجًا
Publication Type
Original research

Abstract: The research deals with one of the origins of Sufi’s discourse; It is the Muhammadan truth, in light of a major theory of it. It is the cultural theory and the systematic readings that result from it, and it is assumed that every Sufi’s discourse, no matter how different and numerous its systems are, must have its reference to the system of Muhammadan truth. The research aims to provide serious material for cultural theory. Through this material, he can demonstrate the importance of theory, and aims to reveal the objective unity of Sufi’s discourse, counting it as a discourse based on the idea of Muhammadan truth, no matter how different its systems and artistic symbols are, it also aims to demonstrate the power of ideology and its dominance over its adherents. The research follows the cultural approach; it treats the discourse according to two levels of systemic analysis: The apparent is represented in the artistic symbol, and the hidden is represented in what is related to the Muhammadan truth. The research concludes with a number of results, the most important of which are: The theory of Muhammadan truth is an effective field of research within the boundaries of cultural theory, and that the apparent pattern in Sufi’s discourse has a heritage reference that does not go beyond the linguistic style, as for its content; It goes back to the Muhammadan theory of truth

مجلة مقامات للدراسات اللسانية و الأدبية و النقدية
معهد الآداب واللغات بالمركز الجامعي بآفلو
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Online only