Business Schools’ Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Palestine as a Case Study
Publication Type
Original research

Abstract. The aim of this research was to examine the role that business schools in Palestinian universities played by their study plans in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) (G1, G4, G8, G9, G12, G16, G17), due to their close connections to the local market, in addition to examining if business school graduates acquire the skills and competencies necessary for the local market. For this descriptive and analytical study, a survey questionnaire was created to collect data from faculty members and employers in the local market. The findings show that business schools in the Palestinian universities have included SDGs in their study plans to a medium-to -high degree, with a stronger focus on quality education. Employers in the local market view graduates from these study plans as having the necessary competencies and skills, and they also rate their compliance with SDGs as being between moderate and high, particularly in quality education. Regarding the degree to which the competencies and skills of business schools’ graduates meet those of the local market and thus relevant to SDGs, there was no significant differences between the perceptions of university faculty members and employers in the local market. However, there was notable significant differences in the areas of, international standardization and capacity knowledge in operational expertise, economic and industrial challenges, and partnerships for the goals. Business schools in Palestinian universities should continue to set a high priority on incorporating SDGs into their study plans and matching the competencies and skills of their graduates of the demand of the local market. The considerable areas of variance between employers in the Palestinian market and university faculty members give chances for greater collaboration to serve the requirements of the local market and accomplish SDGs. Keywords. Business Schools, Economic Growth, Sustainable Development, Local Market, Innovation.

abdulnaser nour
An-Najah National University
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Both (Printed and Online)