القدس في منهاج اللغة العربية الفلسطيني الجديد ... دراسة تحليلية للمرحلة الثانوية""
Publication Type
Conference Paper



Jerusalem in the new Palestinian Arabic language curriculum


This research discusses an issue pertain with  the Palestinian curriculum which is taught  in the Palestinian schools ,particularly the presence of the Jerusalem issue in the Arabic language  curriculum  ,  this research aims not only  at manifesting  the presence of this important issue   in the secondary stage  but  at recognizing  the mechanism which this curriculum use to plant    this issue  in the  hearts of the student  in this critical stage, and manipulating     Jerusalem most important issues,. also this research aims to stand on the creativity and weakness aspects which this curriculum has in posing this important issue. I want to indicate that the nature of this research necessitate me to follow the descriptive analytical approach in which I analyze the content, discusses the means of displaying it and the extent to which it verify the goals which is used in this Approach. I also want to indicate that this research has Arrived to several implications: one of it is the great importance which the Arabic curriculum give to this issue which you can find not only   in the comprehension, poetry and writing lessons but even in the various linguistic Examples in which you can find that it show the occupation awful crimes and aggression in Jerusalem and the Palestinians attempt to prove their right in it.  

Conference Title
المناهج التعليمية والبحثية (التأصيل والتحليل والتأهيل)
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 14, 2019 - Nov. 15, 2019
Conference Sponsor
مركز العميد الدولي للبحوث والدراسات
Additional Info
Conference Website