The Kufic views between Maki al-Andalusi and Ibn al-Anbari Regarding the Parsing of the Holy Qur'an
Publication Type
Conference Paper


This research is a detailed study of the linguistic and grammatical common Kufi concepts made by Makki Ibn Abi Talib al-Qayssi al-Andalusi and Ibn AL-anbari, on the syntax of the holy Qur’an. The objective hence, is to expose the Kufi ideas and concepts in both of their books. Another goal, is dividing these concepts into similar groups, as well as unraveling the views of both authors on these ideas. We initiated our study with an introduction on the history of the Kufi Grammatical School, along with its main characteristics in the study of the language and grammar. We then exposed the most important issues, limiting ourselves on what both scholars had in common. We concluded, with their attitude towards the Kufi School. The nature of the study imposed a variety of methods, including the inductive, descriptive and analytical comparative. The study’s findings revealed the extent of similitude in reporting those concepts between Makki and Ibn Al-anbari, albeit Ibn Al-anbari’s rejection of the views of the Kufi School is stronger than Makki’s.

Key words: The Holy Quran, The Kufi Grammatical School, Makki al-Andalusi, Ibn AL-anbari, Parsing of the Holy Qur'an, Grammatical ideas, Inductive approach.

Conference Title
القرآن الكريم واللغة العربية، الأصول والامتدادات
Conference Country
Conference Date
June 23, 2021 - June 24, 2021
Conference Sponsor
جامعة أصفهان –إيران- والجامعة الإسلامية –العراق
Additional Info
Conference Website