Linguistic findings in (Moshqel I’rab Al-Quran Al- Kareem) functions, subjects and methods
Publication Type
Conference Paper

This research discusses in detail the issue of the linguistic marks in Maki way of parsing the holy Quran ,so this research dives in the purposes of this marks which are diverse between morphological , phonological،orthorogical, and syntactic marks.this research is aimed to manifest the most notable purposes of these marks, give variety of examples on every purpose,in addition to manifest the syntactic subject_ marks which has occupied on the top position of the other marks, manifest their sources , and analyze the methodicalness which the Author is followed in functioning these marks , therefore this study has depended on the inductive methodicalness inorder to study it ,then on the analytical descreptive methodicalness which is aimed for diving in these marks , studying and analyzing them.Finally the research has arrived that the sources of Makii of these linguistic marks are diverse between Qur'anic ,poetic ,and prosaic sources,beside that the purposes of these marks diverse between morphological and phonological purposes, orthorogical, syntactic purposes and others ,since the syntactic mark is the most common mark hence it includes marks in nominal,verbal sentences,semi_sentences ،extras , and pronouns,Finally we can implicate that Meki has a distinguished methodicalness in making his linguistic investigation

key words : the issue of parsing the holy Qur'an ,the linguistic marks,the subjects of syntactic marks,the analytical descreptive methodicalness.


Conference Title
مناهج الدراسات القرآنية والأدبية والنقدية بين الأصالة والتجديد
Conference Country
Conference Date
Aug. 30, 2022 - Aug. 31, 2022
Conference Sponsor
الجامعة الإسلامية في النجف وجامعة الزهراء في طهران
Additional Info
Conference Website