The Experience of An-Najah National University Institute of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers , Palestine, in Spreading Arabic Language
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The Experience  of An-Najah National University Institute of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers , Palestine, in Spreading  Arabic Language


       The aim of this research is to disclose  the role of the Institute of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers at An-Najah University (Palestine) in spreading Arabic language and Palestinian culture.

The research addresses two main domains:

* Introduction to the institute journey.

* The learning process adopted by the institute.

The research highlights the institute’s progress, goals, programs, curricula, publications, side by side the difficulties and problems it has so far encountered. Moreover, old and new educational techniques & strategies on which teachers rely to weave curricula resulted in institute’s roots enforcement in delivering Arabic world while, were addressed as well.

Historic and descriptive method was adopted to conclude the rich experience of the institute, the integration of its aspects, the diversity of its programs, which led to achieve the desired objectives. It ensures the fact that the institute has an Arab, regional and international presence.

Key words: Arabic language teaching, teaching strategies, institute establishment, its goals, programs & evaluation method.

Conference Title
اللغة العربية وآدابها هوية حضارية ثقافية علمية معاصرة
Conference Country
Conference Date
March 26, 2022 - March 27, 2022
Conference Sponsor
الاتحاد العالمي للأكاديميين وروّاد العلم العربي والناطقين بلغتهم- المملكة المتحدة بريطانيا- لندن بالشراكة مع أكاديمية بلاد الشام للتدريب المجتمعي، وجمعيّة أصدقاء البرلمان الأردني، وشركاء آخرين من جامعات ومراكز أبحاث