The role of technological means in academic learning and research
Publication Type
Conference Paper



The reality of the distance learning process from the students' perceptions at Palestine Technician University –Khadouri – Tulkarem Branch

The course of The  Arabic Language as a model : a descriptive  and an analytical study


The research aims to study the reality of distance learning process from the students' perceptions at Palestine Technician University – Khadouri and it takes the Course of The Arabic Language as a model. It's classified under the 6th term of the conference entitled ' The extent of distance learning programmes'  effectiveness in the universities'.  

The research's problem appeared after the concern of all educational institutions towards distance learning process under the global circumstances and Corona Virus.

The research aims to solve these two main questions :

1-What's the reality of the distance learning process from the students' points of views at Palestine Technician University –Khadouri – Tulkarem Branch ; Course: The Arabic Language as a model ?

2-Are there any differences with statistic evidence concerning the reality of the distance learning process from the students registering in The Arabic Language course at Palestine Technician University –Khadouri – Tulkarem in the summer semester 2019- 2020 according to the differences in the  gender , the educational year , specialization and educational qualification?

The researchist  followed the descriptive –analytical approach . She used a questionnaire for the research's purposes which includes 60 closed paragraphs that were distributed on 5 fields : the scientific material and the electronic devices , home works , interaction , connection and communication , exams , the educational process and difficulties. This questionnaire was carried on a random group of students at the summer semester 2019- 2020.

The research concluded that the impact of the reality of the distance learning process from the students' own opinions , who were registering in The Arabic Language Course , was median. It reached 68 ‰ . The research also showed concerning the reality of the distance learning process from the perception of the students registering in The Arabic Language course that according to the statistic indication ( a ≤ 0.05) , there was not differences according to gender and educational year variables, but there are differences according to the faculty and the educational qualification to the benefit of the diploma students.


:Key words

He educational process , distance learning ,  The Arabic Language , Palestine Technician University – Khadouri.  


Conference Title
The role of technological means in academic learning and research
Conference Country
Conference Date
Oct. 15, 2020 - Oct. 16, 2020
Conference Sponsor
المركز الديمقراطي العربي_ برلين، والمركز متعدد التخصصات في حسن الأداء والتنافسية؛ جامعة محمد الخامس/ المغرب
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