The Role of the Social Media Sites in Enriching the Arabic Language- Facebook as a Prototype
Publication Type
Original research

The role of the social media in enriching the Arabic language- The Facebook websites as a prototype.


This research discusses the role which the Facebook website perform  in enriching  the Arabic language and the interaction of the activists with the linguistics postس which  are published in it , whence the pages which are interested in the Arabic language is considered abundant source in this blue website and it contribute with a great deal in publishing the Arabic language at all of her levels and reinforce her as a main resource for the students and the researchers through various of means and methods. Also because this pages represent a great deal of interaction between the publisher and the reader this research aim at manifesting the methods and the means which the publishers follow in showing the linguistic methods through this website manifesting    the linguistic subjects, and the methods which this posts manipulate.   Moreover, it not only manifests the characteristics which this published linguistic material is distinguished of, but in addition it also discusses the role of the publisher and the receiver in this interaction and the changes which this posts make according to them.  I want to indicate that the nature of this research necessitate me to follow the investigative approach which investigate this posts, and the analytical approach which analyzes the content of this posts.  I want to indicate that this research has arrived to many of implications which are:   the diversity of the means and the ways which the publishers follow in the Arabic pages, and the diversity of the Arabic material to include all the Arabic language levels. Finally, this published material is distinguished of many of traits which make it to be interested with a great deal of interaction from the browsers of this pages

Key words: Facebook, linguistic pages, Linguistic post, Linguistic interaction


مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للبحوث الإنسانية والإجتماعية
جامعة القدس المفتوحة
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