The Andlusian educational syntaxical book -Reazons of Authoring and features of simplifying-
Publication Type
Original research

The Andlusian educational syntaxical book -Reazons of Authoring and features of simplifying-


This research focuses on an issue distinguished the Arabic syntax Authoring in Al-Andalus countries ,which is the brief- syntax as a mean in facilitating the Arabic syntax by the side of the syntax scientists, so the aim of this research is to manifest the factors which motivated the Arabic language scientists in Al-Andalus countries in the shined prosperous era worked on easing the vagueness' of the Arabic syntax, removing its impurities ,whence they worked on that by many means One of them authoring a brief scientific educational syntax- books, also this research discusses the role which the Andalusia educational syntax books play in simplifying Arabic syntax and the characteristics before classifying them as a brief educational Arabic yntax books. The nature of this research nessicate that it follow the analytical descriptive methedolicance which describe the phenomenon of authoring a brief syntax books in Al-Andalus,and the background of this authoring. Since the aim of using this analytical methodiclance in analyzing this syntaxical books – the subject of the study- is recognizing the characteristics of this brief books .so this research has resulted in many implications, the most important of it is the adverse means the Andulancian followed in easing the Arabic- syntax, such as using a brief educational books which was common in Al-Andalus countries. This call of briefing the Arabic syntax has many factors which is particular with the Andalusian situation. also this books has many characteristics made it to be considered as an educational books such as using a brief subjects, using an easy language, avoiding the argumental matters focusing on the compound simple examples, and ignoring the linguistics signs which have a big role in complicating the Arabic syntax.

The key words: The Andalusian syntax, The educational book, Syntax simplyfing, The syntax analysis.


مجلة الكلية الإسلامية الجامعة
التميمي للنشر والتوزيع - النجف
Publisher Country
Thomson Reuters
Impact Factor
Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)
611 - 644