صورة اليهودي في ديوان "حجر وشجر" للشاعر خالد سعيد
Publication Type
Original research


The image of the Jew in the collection of (Trees and Stones) for the poet Khalid Saed

Dr Fadi Saqer Assida

fadi [email protected]


The Palestinian ministry of high Education




This research shows the image of the Jew according to  one of the Palestinian Islamic poets Particulary in the collection of (Trees and stones)  for khaled Saed whom is considered as one of the islamic poets in Palestine .So this research is aimed to manifest the image of the Jew  in the vision of this poet  and to stand on the features  which this collection has drawn about the occupied Jew ,  for the Jew is  the criminal  occupation and the one which is committed to a lot of crimes against the original people in their land Also it is intended to manifest the artificial and the stylical side of   this image in the poems  especially   using  Irony .The nature of this research  nessicate us to depend   on the analytical descriptive method through analyzing  the image of the jew   and  discussing the features of this image .This research has resulted to many  implications the most notable of them is that the poet has interested in drawing  the image of the Jew who occupy Palestine and we can see   variety in showing  this image  which is focused on the crimes of the occupation , his disrighteness of this holy land ,and the religious side has an obvious effect in drawing  the features of this image ,furthermore the poet uses  irony to show the contradicted attitude of the Jewish for there is no difference between the one who wear the mask of the  hawk which indicate ferocity and the one who wear the mask of the dove which indicate innocence .

The key words: The image of the Jew. Islamic poets. Occupied Jew

مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية
برلين عن #المركز_الديمقراطي_العربي
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)
335 - 449