Palestinian Social Security Fund Obstacles and Expected Impacts on Achieving Sustainable Development
Publication Type
Original research

This study aims to recognize Palestine Social Security Fund: obstacles and expected impacts on sustainable development and to clarify whether there are statistical differences due to variables (social status, age, education level, monthly income, number of working family members, establishment nature of work and occupational category). To achieve the purpose of the study; the descriptive survey method was used and a questionnaire about Palestine Social Security Fund: obstacles and expected impacts on sustainable development was conducted. The questionnaire consisted of (58) items and the study sample which was selected using simple random sampling method consisted of (270) male and female private sector employees in Palestine. The results of the research show that the obstacles and expected impacts affecting the achievement of sustainable development in Palestine Social Security Fund are high. Results also show no statistical differences (a=0.05) due to social status, education level and family working members variables. However, there are statistical differences (a=0.05) due to age, monthly income, institution nature of work of and occupational category variables in favor of both the worker and the institution through which constant developmental level is achieved; the thing that maintains constant high income. The study recommends implementing the social security law and maintaining human resources in companies. It also recommends investing new human resources towards enhancing national economy and increasing the number of service establishments that contribute in creating sustainable development nationwide. Keywords: Social security law, obstacles and effects of non-implementation, Sustainable development goals.

Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Cihan University-Erbi
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)