HSD9 The Deployment of Balanced Scorecard in Health Care Organizations: Is It Beneficial? A Systematic Review
Publication Type
Conference abstract/paper published in a peer review journal


Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been implemented to improve the performance of organizations since 1992. To the best of the researchers' knowledge, no previous systematic review has performed a rigorous methodological approach to figure out the impact of BSC implementation in Health Care Organizations (HCO). This research intended to assess the impact of implementing the BSC on Health Care Workers' (HCW) satisfaction, patient satisfaction, and financial performance.


This systematic review was prepared in accordance with PRISMA guidelines, and the authors customized the search strategy for PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Google Scholar databases, and Google's search engine. The obtained studies were screened by two authors. The extracted impacts from each study were plotted on a bar figure per each outcome measure. The Risk of Bias (RoB) was assessed using the ROBINS-I and Cochrane (RoB 2) tools.


Out of 4031 studies, the researchers included 20 studies that measured the impact of BSC on the intended outcome measures. Among them, it was found that 17 studies measured the impact of the BSC on patient satisfaction, seven studies measured the impact on HCW satisfaction, and 12 studies measured the impact on financial performance. BSC implementation demonstrated positive outcomes for patient satisfaction and the financial performance of HCOs. However, only a mild impact was demonstrated for effects related to HCW satisfaction. Moreover, many of the studies reflected a high RoB.


This review provides managers and policymakers with evidence to support utilizing BSC in the health care sector. However, it is worth noting that the high RoB may have affected the impacts on the three primary outcomes measured. As such, this reflects the necessity for further focus on reducing the RoB in the future implementations. Lastly, we recommend researchers to measure the real and current impact of implementing BSC in HCO during the pandemic.

ISPOR- Value in Health
Publisher Country
United States of America
Impact Factor
Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)