Bioinformatics day
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Dr. Martinique Frentrup, SILVA rRNA database; Dept. Bioinformatics

Dr. Antje Jäde, BRENDA - BRaunschweig ENzyme DAtabase; Dept. Bioinformatics

BRENDA, 35 years of enzyme experience - an introduction to the enzyme database (13:45)

An Introduction into BacDive -  the largest database for standardized bacterial information (13:00)

Dr. Lorenz Reimer, Head of Databases; Dept. Bioinformatics

Dr. Boyke Bunk, Head of Bioinformatics and IT

2. Scientific Talk: "3rd Generation (Meta-) Genomics" (11:30)

1. Introduction "Shift of the Leibniz Institute DSMZ Towards a Digital Bioresource Center" (11:00)

t.b.a. (15:15)

Dr. Markus Göker, LPSN - List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature & TYGS - Type (Strain) Genome Server

Conference Title
Bioinformatics day
Conference Country
Conference Date
Sept. 7, 2023 - Sept. 7, 2023
Conference Sponsor
المستضيف: اشرف زايد-كلية الطب وعلوم الصحة
Additional Info
Conference Website