Bridging Education Communities in a Digital World: Exploring the Potential and Risks of AI in Modern Education
Publication Type
Conference Paper

In our rapidly evolving digital world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool with the potential to revolutionize education. As educational communities strive to adapt to the demands of the 21st century, it becomes crucial to explore the potential benefits and risks associated with integrating AI into modern education. This panel proposal aims to bring together experts from diverse fields to discuss and analyze the ways in which AI can bridge education communities, facilitating enhanced learning experiences and expanding access to education. By examining the promises and pitfalls of AI in education, we seek to foster a deeper understanding of its implications and shape responsible AI adoption strategies.

This panel addresses several key panel pillars including: (1) How can AI technologies be effectively integrated into modern education to enhance learning outcomes and support personalized learning experiences for students? (2) What are the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in education, such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the devaluation of human interaction? (3) How can AI-powered tools and platforms be leveraged to bridge educational communities and foster collaboration among students, educators, and institutions across geographical and socioeconomic boundaries? (4) What are the key challenges and barriers that need to be addressed to ensure equitable access to AI-powered educational resources and opportunities for all learners, regardless of their socioeconomic background or geographic location? (5) How can educators and policymakers prepare for the future of AI in education, including upskilling teachers, developing robust AI literacy programs, and establishing regulatory frameworks that protect students’ rights and interests? (6) What are the successful examples and best practices of AI integration in education that have demonstrated positive outcomes, and how can they be scaled up to benefit a wider range of educational communities?

By exploring these research questions, our panel aims to provide insights into the potential and risks of AI in modern education, fostering a nuanced understanding that can inform policy decisions, pedagogical approaches, and technological advancements to create an inclusive and equitable digital learning environment.

The outcomes of the panel have implications for both academia and practice. We would like to uncover pathways for researching the beneficial use of AI solutions that could help and empower educators, students, and researchers using the bright side of AI in integrating modern education technologies into communities. The expected outcomes from the panel discussion will be directed toward different stakeholders including:

  • Researchers, supervisors, and academic institutions
  • Practitioners, industry partners, and technology-related stakeholders
  • Inter-governmental bodies, governments, and decision-makers

We are confident that this panel will draw a wide audience because its topic is timely, relevant, and novel in the information systems context. Researchers in the IS field are still hungry to uncover the social side of the IS and ICT and how to use their tools to improve people’s lives.

Upon accepting the panel proposal, we will add the complete list of panelists that agreed to participate in our panel. The Panelists have been carefully selected to fit the focus of the panel, including expertise in the area of conversational AI, education, ethics, inclusion, and practical implications of AI.

Conference Title
The Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems and the Middle East & North Africa Conference (MCIS and MENACIS 2023)
Conference Country
Conference Date
Sept. 6, 2023 - Sept. 9, 2023
Conference Sponsor
IE Business School, IE University and Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Additional Info
Conference Website