Using Technology in Education: The Case of An-Najah University in Palestine
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The impact of technology on education in Palestine has been significant, including An-Najah National University in Nablus. Using online learning platforms has increased the accessibility to higher education, particularly for students in rural and marginalized communities. However, there are also challenges to the widespread adoption of technology in education in Palestine. Despite the widespread adoption of technology in education, many students do not have access to the necessary technology or internet connectivity, leading to a digital divide. To address this issue, teacher training on effective integration of technology in the classroom is needed to ensure equal participation and benefits for all students. Despite these challenges, the potential for technology to greatly enhance the learning experience in Palestine remains.

Conference Title
The International Conference & Expo on Innovation and Sustainability in Engineering & Technology (ICEISET 2023)
Conference Country
Conference Date
June 14, 2023 - June 15, 2023
Conference Sponsor
An-Najah National University