The Role Of Public Relations In Managing The Reputation Of The Courts In The Palestinian High Judicial Council From The Viewpoints Of Judges, Lawyers, Employees And Prosecutions.
Publication Type
Original research

The study aimed to know the role of public relations in managing the reputation of the courts in the Palestinian Supreme Judicial Council from the point of view of judges, lawyers, employees and prosecutors - Qalqilya Court as a model for the year 2021, and to research the management of the court’s reputation, constituents, obstacles and its relationship to the council’s management and performance. We used the descriptive analytical method, and the study population was from court w, and the researchers used the intentional sample

The most important finding is that the role of public relations was not very effective in the Supreme Judicial Council. We recommend that public relations strengthen its role in the institution. To create trust and hold distinct development courses targeting different societal classes and to understand the correct concept of public relations, as there is still confusion and lack of understanding of lawyers, prosecutors and judges about the correct image, activating the role of public relations in a sophisticated way, developing methods of dealing with everyone and using the latest methods to communicate with it and improve the reputation of the institution.

Keywords: Public relation, The reputation of the institution, Mental image, High Judicial Council.

مجلة جامعة المدينة العالمية المحكمة ( مجمع )
جامعة المدينة العالمية
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