Proposed treatment processes of OMWW have not been efficient in decreasing its high toxicity or lowering its ecological impact. Bioremediation using microorganisms might be considered an environmentally friendly alternative. In this work, four fungal isolates were tested for their efficacy in lowering the toxicity of OMWW. Results of this work showed that fungal isolates were able to grow on OMWW. However, only one isolate (OMWW2) showed significant lowering in total phenols from 159.27 mg/ml (in controlled untreated water) to 57.75 mg/ml. The treated OMWW was tested on seed gemination of tomato. The results showed 83% germination rates in the presence of treated OMWW compared with 0% rates in nontreated OMWW. The results showed also that OMWW could be used as a supplement fertilizer to the presence of macronutrient and micronutrient. This work provides a promising future treatment OMWW. Further studies are needed to evaluate the possible use of OMWW in horticulture.