دور الديانتين الإسلامية والمسيحية في مواجهة الالحاد المعاصر
Publication Type
Original research


Atheists have become more and more in recent years which led to strengthening the phenomenon of atheism worldwide especially among Muslim communities. Due to moral degeneracy, Muslim nation has gone through intellect conflicts, and thus, our youth are going towards atheism. All this resulted from the support which is offered to our Muslim communities by groups which call for atheism. These calls target the youth. Its main goal is creating doubts in regards to what the youth believe in. Muslim youth started to stop watching their deeds, and thus they started to ignore Allah’s watch.

Therefore, this study aims at concentrating on the role of the two religions: Islam and Christianity in confronting atheism. The study is divided into three sections. The first section talks about history of atheism which is also divided into two demands. The first demand talks about the origin of atheism; the second demand talks about the concept of atheism previously and currently.

Section two clarifies the role of Christianity in confronting contemporary atheism. It is also divided into three sections: First, it clarifies the concept of atheism in Christian intellect. Second, it shows the efforts of Christianity in confronting atheism. Third, it shows the methodology of Christianity in answering atheism doubts.

The third section talks about the role of Islam in confronting atheism. There are three demands: firs, it defines atheism in respect to Islam. Second, it shows the efforts paid to confront atheism. Third, they mentally defeat atheists by answering all doubts. 

The most significant results are:

  1. The atheists who deny the existence of Allah are disbelievers who are invited to convert into Islam.
  2. The European churches are responsible for creating atheism as they made science an alternative of religion; they made the apparent reason an alternative of the real cause; they made nature an alternative of Allah.
  3. The French Revolution, the industrial revolution and the scientific theory would not have been created to fight religion unless there had been the Jewish role which was misused to remove all religions.
  4. There is a common point between Islam and Christianity which states that Allah is the Creator of Universe. However, the distinguishing point is represented in the dealing with atheism.
Yayımlanma Tarihi (Publishing Date): 15.10.2022
Yayınevi (Publishing House): Recent Academic Studies
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Publication Type
Online only