The Coherence in Sahih Al-Bukhari: Ethics Chapter as a Sample
Publication Type
Original research

This study aims at examining coherence in Sahih Al-Bukhari books as well as chapters in addition to the Hadiths which are included in these books and chapters. The motivation for this is to highlight an approach which was adopted by Al-Bukhari which is the organized intellectual sequence by which he organized the chapters and the Hadiths included in these chapters. This is performed through an applicable study which was applied on Ethics Chapter to highlight the coherence there which was known by few scholars, but still hidden to the majority.

Having followed the studies which adopted such an approach, and having examined the titles the Hadiths of Ethics, we found that there were deep intentions. Such intentions were meant to be by Al-Bukhari. Some of them are: clarifying the abstract or the summaries, specifying the general, restricting the absolute, and the introductions of titles of chapters. In addition, the study highlighted the coherence between the Ethics Book and the book which proceeded it, and the other which followed it. Moreover, the coherence between all of the book’s chapters, titles, and Hadiths were discovered. Furthermore, there was coherence between the first Hadith and the final one in the book itself.

الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية
كلية العلوم الإسلامية بجامعة الجزائر 1. بن يوسف بن خدة
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Both (Printed and Online)
30 صفحة