The degree of Salfit government school teachers’ observations to contemporary teaching quality standards from their points of view
Publication Type
Original research

The study aimed to identify the degree to which government school teachers at Salfit district observe the contemporary teaching quality standards from their points of view.  To accomplish this end, a simple random sample of (400) teachers: (136) male and (266) female was used.  A questionnaire of (43) items reflected the contemporary teaching quality standards in four domains: planning, teaching, students’ evaluation, and teacher evaluation of his general professional performance was administered on them.  The descriptive and analytic statistics revealed that the teacher observation to contemporary teaching quality standards was (4.59) out of five points.  The teacher considerations of planning domain was the highest (4.66) with significant differences on teaching domain (4.58) and the teacher evaluation of his general professional performance domain (4.50), but not against students’ evaluation domain (4.64). There also was a significant difference between the teaching domain and the teacher evaluation of his general professional performance domain in favor of teaching domain, but not against the students’ evaluation domain. While, there were no significant differences between the planning and student evaluation domains, nor between teaching and student evaluation domains. With respect to other independent variables, it found a significant difference between males and females in favor of females; the level of the academic degree in favor of an intermediate community college and a bachelor's degree; the academic specialization in favor of humanities specialization; years of teaching experience in favor of a category (6-10) year.  While, there were no significant differences attributed to either educational stage, or educational qualification. These results came along discursions, recommendations, and future studies

Afnan Darwazeh & May Abdullah
International Journal of Educational and Psychological studies
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)