Challenges of English Online Teaching and Learning at The Language Center- An-Najah National University During COVID-19 Pandemic
Publication Type
Conference Paper


This study is designed to investigate the challenges of English online teaching and
learning. The researcher intends to shed light on some problems teachers and learners
face when they interact using different forms of technology. The major questions the
researcher attempts to answer are: How can English teachers design the most effective
ways of teaching skills for learners online? How can teachers of English language
design an efficient plan where they guarantee that learners would improve their basic
and advanced skills? What evaluation measurement will teachers adopt? What
strategies teachers usually select to motivate learners during an online meeting? The
study ends by presenting a number of recommendations to follow while conducting a
virtual class to allow learners to conceive the material offered effectively.
Keywords: Online Teaching, effective learning, evaluation measurement, interaction.
Conference Title
Critical Approaches to Language, Literature and Translation Studies
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 23, 2021 - Nov. 25, 2021
Conference Sponsor
MEU جامعة الشرق الاوسط- عمان الاردن