Analysis Of The Relationship Between ABO Blood Group With Corona Virus Infection And Symptoms Severity
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Original research

Abstract:Background:The relationship between the infectivity and severity of corona virus infection according blood group was not studied among Palestinian society.Aims:we aimed to study the association between Corona virus infection and severity and blood group and other sociodemographic variables.Material And Methods:For a subgroup of the study, COVID infection was assessed using PCR and blood group was measured using slide slip method. Demographic Variables were obtained. For another subgroup all information were obtained from Palestinian Ministry of Health Records. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS 21.Result:A total of 324 Palestinian were included in this study Age (32±13.2 y), 20.2%were males, 33.9% were infected with corona virus. The blood groups were (A 42.8%, B 17.5%, AB 9% and O 30.7%). In addition, 9.6% had negative rhesus blood group. The highest rate of COVID infection was among participants with blood group A. In multiple regression models, blood ABO blood group and gender were significantly related to the infectivity of Covid, whereas having. A group was related to severe or moderate infection. Also, males were more likely to have severe or moderate infection. Conclusion:Blood group and being males is associated with higher and severe form of COVID infection. [Kharraz L Natl J Integr Res Med, 2021; 12(6):14-19]Key Words:Blood Group, Corona, Infection, Severity, PandemicAuthor for correspondence:Dr. Lubna Kharraz, Department Of Biomedical Science, School Of Medicine, An-Najah National University, Nablus, West Bank, Occupied Palestinian TerritoriesE-Mail: [email protected]:In March, The world Health Organization declared a novel pandemic disease known as coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). The disease arises for the first time in Wuhan in December 2019. The infected patient suffered from severe acute respiratory syndrome, characterized by dry cough, dyspnea, fever, and bilateral lung infiltrate upon imaging. Later on, the virus which was found to be responsible for this syndrome was named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The mortality and morbidity rate from SARS-CoV-2 all over the world was very high.Millions of illne ss and deaths recorded worldwide. In Palestine, according to state of Palestine COVID-19 Data Hub, the updated cases in Palestine on January are: 174413 confirmed cases, 162640 recovered, 8926 active cases and 1951 deaths. Several studies arise to find out the possible risk factors for infection with Covid 19 suc h as age, gender, and chronic disease. The ABO blood group system might be a risk factor for infection with SARS-Cov-2.Several studies show the relation between ABO blood group system and many different diseases as hepatitis, H.pylori infection, tumor and others1. Statistically, epidemiological studies reported association between the ABO blood group system and infection with SARS-CoV-2 and also survival after infection1. It is well known that ABO antibodies play an important role in defense mechanism against pathological microorganisms, but the difference in ABO blood group from person to person may increase or decrease the susceptibility of individual to the infectious pathogen. SARS-CoV--2 might be one of the pathogens that influenced by ABO blood group2.A study on a medical staff in one of Hong kong hospital reported that people with O blood group have reduced susceptibility to SARS infection after exposure to the virus3. A similarstudy conducted between February and March in 2020 in Wuhan central hospital and another two hospitalsin Whuan, China. The study reported that the proportion of blood group A was significantly high in SARS-2 infected patient while the proportion of bloodgroup O was significantly low in SARs-2 infected patient compared to healthy control4. Globally, blood group O is the most common, then group A, then group B, and finally group AB5. Regarding Rh(D) antigen and infection with SARS-CoV-2, a study shows that This is an Open Access arti cl e dis tri buted under the terms of the Creati ve Commons Attri buti on 4.0 International Licens e (http://creativecommons .org/licens es /by/4.0/), allowi ng third parti es to copy and redistribute the material in any medi um or format and to remix, trans form, and build upon the material for any purpos e, even commerciall y, provi ded the ori ginal work is properl y ci ted and s tates i ts licens e.

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