patriotism in ibn-badis interpretation
Publication Type
Original research

y the study took the expression of patriotism in ibn-badis interpretation, so we can disceen if it was clear or not ?. and what we concluded through reading and digressing that patriotism was clear and very obvious in his interpretation, and that the interpreter gas shiwn his love fir hus homeland, and how he was affected by tge surriundings and speaking of his homeland and othee muslim homelands was a distinctive phenomena specially in the verses of the quran who talked about pateiotism and the kove of tge homeland like the verses who took hiw tge prophets loved there himelands orthe verses who took the expulsion of the homeland, or the verses of struggle against enemies of the homeland etc. and it was clear that one of the nist important evidences that shows patriotism in his interpretation: the digression of the importance of homelands for the different prophets, and the urge to tove the homeland and how quran teaches muslins to change the reality and the descending of the homeland into a higher position, and in which ways you can do it, and the means in which humans can reach such different reality, and how the quran expressed the necessity of exposing traitors who petrays their homelands . And one of the important effects caused by patriotism and the expression of itbin the interpretation the correction of the concept of patriotism it self, and how interpreters studied the reality considerately, and spread of positive traits etc .

مجلة الدولية للاجتهاد القضائي
المركز الديمقراطي العربي للدراسات الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Online only
245- 266