Heritage as a Bridge to Identity and Sustainability- Mediterranean City as a Case Study
Publication Type
Original research

Heritage conservation can support identity and the revival of traditional architectural methods which incorporate several sustainable design concepts. This research investigated the heritage conservation as a linkage to sustainability and identity, thus it recites and interprets literature from previous studies to highlight the heritage architecture as a bridge to identity and sustainability in order to enhance the practical methods for the conservation of vernacular buildings. Moreover, this research evaluated a unique case study of heritage conservation in the Mediterranean region, which is Nablus city in Palestine. The investigation highlighted the progressive social, cultural, and sustainable influences for the conservation of the heritage. Finally, the research evaluated the positive thermal performance of a conserved vernacular traditional building compared with a modern one with the same function. The results of the research revealed that the conservation of heritage buildings can form a solid bridge to identity and sustainability, thus it can be as a step toward covering the shortage in the available studies about the environmental and identity roles of heritage, especially for the Mediterranean Palestinian occupied cities. Therefore, this study will help in filling the gap of the absent literature related to this topic by finding innovative uses of existing heritage.

Heritage as a Bridge to Identity and Sustainability- Mediterranean City as a Case Study
An-Najah National University
Publisher Country
Publication Type
Online only