The Abolished Interests and its Contemporary Applications
Publication Type
Original research

This study was titled “The Abolished Interests and its Contemporary Applications” which came in an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. In the first chapter, we explained the meaning of interest. It is the benefit intended by the wise legislator –Allah (SWT) - for his servants, from conserving their religion, soul, mind, progeny, and money, according to a certain order among them. Then we showed the sections and regulations of the interests. In the second chapter, we talked about the truth of the abolished interests. It is one of the legal and fundamental issues which belong to the chapter of analogy, and more specifically, it is included in the tracts of reasoning, based on the appropriate and canceled description. Its ruling is the ruling of the canceled appropriate description, which is the response and cancellation, and not to explain, reason with it or reasoning with analogy, and build rulings upon it. In the last chapter, we dealt with some contemporary applications of the canceled interests in several areas. We concluded that the interests that were considered by some hasty contemporary attempts and for it the Islamic texts were abandoned. These are illusory interests rather than real interests, and it is against the texts of Islamic law, and its purposes, and they must be abandoned and neglected.

مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية -الاردن
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