Ibn Daqiq’s Approach in Clarifying different Hadiths: The Chapter of Prayer Model
Publication Type
Original research

Different Hadith science is considered to be one of the sciences that is classified by few numbers of scientists. Abu Al-Fath Muhammad Ibn Ali, who is known as Ibn Daqiq Al-Eid, died in (702 H), is considered to be one of the pioneers of this science, due to his competence of most of Al-Shari’ah sciences, in particular, Al-Fiqh and Hadith. His skills are appeared in his book “Ihkam Al-Ahkam Sharh Umdat Al-Ahkam”. Thus, thus study aims at revealing his methodology by which he was able to remove the confusion that appears among the prohet’s sayings on prayer.

This study reveals that Ibn Daqiq followed the combination approach by which he was able to solve nineteen controversial questions. He also followed a preference approach in solving other four questions. The total number of evidences he used was thirteen such as: combining questions which seem to be different; showing the level of the prophet saying: the evidence of how authentic the prophet’s saying’s narrators are, the vocabulary used in such context and how it’s related to other sayings on the same topic.

Keywords: Ibn Daqiq, combination, prefernces, different sayings, different contects

مجلة جامعة الوصل
جامعة الوصل
Publisher Country
United Arab Emirates
Publication Type
Prtinted only