The Methodology of Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali in Dealing with Apparently Contradicting Prophetic Sayings by Examining His Book: The Collector of Science and Wisdom in Explanation of Fifty Hadiths From Jami’ al-Kalam
Publication Type
Original research

The main aim of this study is examining Ibn Rajab’s methodology which he followed in his book The Collector of Science and Wisdom in Explanation of Fifty Hadiths From Jami’ al-Kalam which is about clarifying what seems to be contradicting amongst the prophet’s sayings while it’s, in fact, not contradicting. The researchers followed the inductive methodology; that is, they collected all the sayings which seem to be in contradiction, analyzed them to get the findings which will be discussed later.

Thus, the researchers divided their research into three parts: The first part introduces Ibn Rajab and defines his book. The second part clarifies the methodology that Ibn Rajab adopted in exposing the sayings which seem to be contradicting. The third part has the applied methodology which clarifies the routes that Ibn Rajab followed in proving that there is no contradiction.

The most important finding is that Ibn Rajab revealed the apparent contradiction in 26 issues by gathering and collecting the sayings. He also followed overbalancing methodology in revealing contradiction in two sayings depending on fixed evidence. It’s worth noting that he didn’t adopt copying methodology; it also happened that he came across some apparent contradicting sayings without revealing ambiguity.


Keywords: Ibn Rajab, Collecting, Overbalancing, Contradicting Sayings, Revealing ambiguity

مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية
جامعة العلوم الإسلامية العالمية
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Prtinted only