Children participation in going to mosques to perform prayers or listen to religious classes A Study Related to Prophet's Sayings and Jurisprudence
Publication Type
Original research

Children participation in going to mosques to perform prayers or listen to religious classes is still an argumentative issue; in other words, scholars have different opinions towards this. Some of them conditionally and under contraol allow that. Some of these conditions are keeping the mosque clean, and making no disturbances to let those who perform prayers or listen to the sheikh do that peacefully.

These days, parents start to accompany their children to maosques to perform prayers, listen to religious preach, and belong to classes where these children learn and memorize verses and chapters of the Holy Qur’an. Such an issue has no consensus. Therefore, this research has a role in clarifying the original point of view in Islam tracking all hadiths that show how children used to enter mosques during the days of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It also shows the opinion of some scholars and their evidence. The most important findings are that children are allowed to enter mosques but under circumstances. This behavior has a fruitful result as it affects the coming generation’s behavior in the future; some of which are organizing time, being neat and tidy, and being connected to mosques.

Keywords: mosques, children, prayer, religios classes, coming generation

مجلة الميزان للدراسات الإسلامية والقانونية
جامعة العلوم الإسلامية العالمية
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Prtinted only