To what extent the Palestinian teachers in Nablus city government schools act as educators form their points of view? Educational Journal of Kuwait University, 2(139), 255-285.
Publication Type
Original research

Having the firm belief in the teacher’s role in building up promising generations, embodying identity and belonging specially in this age of technology, and believing, as well, in the fact that the teacher is firstly an educator before being a teacher, the researcher carried out this study to investigate:  1)  whether the school teachers act as educators besides being teachers,  2)   and whether this role is influenced by their gender, the educational stage they teach in, the level of their academic degree, years of their teaching experience, and  the qualifying courses  they attended in education and psychology.


To accomplish the aims of the study, the researcher set a “Likert scale” 46-item questionnaire, reflecting the teacher’s educational role in four domains:


- Observing and monitoring student’s behavior domain,

- Guiding and counseling student’s behavior domain

- Encouraging and rewarding student’s behavior domain.

-  Modeling domain in which the teachers make of themselves a good model to be imitated by students.


The questionnaire was distributed to a random sample consisted of (256) teachers:  159 male and 97 female who are teaching in different classes and stages at Nablus government schools.


The data were analyzed by using descriptive and analytic statistics. They revealed the following results:


  • The whole mean of the teachers' responses on the questionnaire was (4.44) out of five points.
  • The modeling domain was practiced significantly more than observing and monitoring, or encouraging and rewarding domain, but not than the guiding and counseling one.
  • Neither t-test, nor F-test revealed any significant effect with respect to these following independent variables:  gender, the educational stage, the level of academic degree, years of teaching experience, and the qualifying courses attended by teachers in education and psychology. 


These results came along with discussions and recommendations for further future research.

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جامعة الكويت
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