Relationship Between Adherence to Mediterranean Diet with, Nutritional and Physical Fitness Status Among Young Athletes from Football Sports Academy- Palestine
Publication Type
Original research


Background: Lifestyle and dietary habits are related to better health and better physical function and fitness. Medi-terranean diet is considered one of the healthy diet which is recommended for athletes. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between Mediterranean Diet Adherence (AMD) and other healthy lifestyle indicators of health among members of sport academy clubs from He-bron in Southern West Bank.Methods: This study included the males participants from 4 different sport academies in Hebron Southern West Bank. Anthropometric measurements (weight and height) were obtained to categorize the weight into underweight, normal, overweight or obese according to WHO growth charts. Dietary information were obtained using a question-naire that captures adherence to Mediterranean diet. Physi-cal performance fitness tests were used to measure level fitness among participants. Analysis of data was performed by SPSS TM, version 21. Results: A Total 116 participants were included in the study, The mean age 13 ± 3 years; 78 % of participants have normal weight, 5% are classified as obese. 21.7% of the students have a low AMD, 47% had a moderate AMD and 31.3% has a high AMD. Adherence to MD was not related to body mass index or physical performance.Conclusion: According to the findings of this study Ad-herence to MD was not associated with body weight and physical performance among the study sample.

Annals of Epidemiology & Public Health
MedDocs Publishers LLC
Publisher Country
United States of America
Publication Type
Online only