Design and Development of an Automatic Controlled Planting Machine for Agriculture in Palestine
Publication Type
Original research


Agriculture sector occupy more than 25% of the total domestic products in Palestine. This provides jobs for more than 15% of the population in West Bank and Gaza Strip. Thus, it is the most important sector in Palestine. People still using traditional ways in planting which would consume time and efforts. Agriculture faces huge money costing and transplant losses during planting. In this study, an automated planting machine has been introduced. This machine is a hand to the agriculture sector in Palestine. This automatic planting machine can plant a wide area rapidly, has accurateprocessing during planting, less human needs, limit costs and savingtime.The current machine is a simplified mechanical machine that uses the old basic methods in agriculture from plowingpassing through planting to cover it with soil. It has the ability to plant big areas precisely and efficiently. This machine could help a huge part of people who cannot afford the new wide and expensive machines. At the same time, it can get a satisfied planting without high efforts. It has been tested and it revealed a satisfied result in planting the seedling. Some ways to modify and improve the current automatic planting are reported in this paper.

Horizon Research Publishing, USA (HRPUB)
Horizon Research Publishing, USA (HRPUB)
Publisher Country
United States of America
Publication Type
Prtinted only