The effectiveness of a proposed learning program using some of teaching methods On Learning Some Basic Volleyball Skills Among Students of the Faculty of Physical Education at An-Najah National University
Publication Type
Original research
The study aimed to identify the effect of a proposed educational program using the interactive and multi-level method on learning basic skills in volleyball among students of the College of Physical Education at An-Najah University. To achieve this, the study was conducted on an intentional sample of (22) students enrolled in the (1) volleyball course . The average age of the female students was (18.3) years, and the researchers used the semi-experimental method in one of its pre and post measurements to suit it for the purposes of the study. The study sample was divided into two experimental groups, where the first experimental group learned using the reciprocal method, while the second experimental group learned using the multi-level method. Pre-measurements of the skill variables were made before starting the implementation of the proposed educational program. The researchers used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), (T-test for two independent groups to indicate the differences between members of the two experimental groups on the pre and post measurements of the study variables), (T-test for correlated samples), (Pearson correlation coefficient to ensure the stability of the skill tests) . The results of the study showed statistically significant differences (p <05) between the pre and post measurements in all the skill variables under study (scrolling from the top, scrolling from the bottom, sending from the bottom of the confrontation, sending from the bottom of the side) and in favor of the telemetry of the members of the first experimental group. (The reciprocal method), where the percentages of skill change were as follows: (passing from the top (92.71%), passing from the bottom (75.59%), serving from the bottom of the confrontation (121.05%), serving from the bottom of the side (81.57%)). The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements in all the skill variables under study and in favor of the post measurement among the members of the second experimental group (the multi-level method), where the percentages of change in skills were as follows: (scrolling from the top (43.46%), scrolling From the bottom (46.35%), the serve from below the confrontation (58.65%), the serve from the bottom of the side (42.87%)). The researchers recommend several recommendations, the most important of which is the necessity of using the reciprocal and multi-level methods in learning the basic skills of volleyball among female physical education students. Key words: the reciprocal method, the multi-level method, teaching methods, volleyball, An-Najah University.
محمود حسني الأطرش
المجلة الاردنية للعلوم التطبيقية (العلوم الانسانية)
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Both (Printed and Online)