واقع التعليم الإلكتروني في كليات ومعاهد التربية الرياضية في فلسطين في ظل جائحة كورونا –كوفيد19 من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئات التدريسية
Publication Type
Original research

, The aim of this study was to identify The reality of e-learning in the Institutes and Facultys of Physical Education in Palistain During the outbreak of the Corona virus (Covid-19) from the perspective of Faculty Members. The following variables were considered: (Gender, academic yearandthe University). To achieve this, the researchers conducted a study on a sample consisting of (69) Faculty Members.This sample represented (63%) of the study population. To collect data, the researchers designed a new questionnaire which consisted of (50) items covering five domains. The study findings showed that the reality of e-learning was average, by (69.2%), of the total score of e-learning according to Likert scale Quintetwith regard to the arrangement of domains, And that There were no statistically significant differences at the level of Significance (0.05 ≥α).in the reality of e-learning in the Institutes and Facultys of Physical Education in Palistain During the outbreak of the Corona virus (Covid-19) from the perspective of Faculty Members according to the gender variable.Whereas, There were statistically significant differences at the level of Significance (0.05 ≥α)in the evaluations among the study population and these differences are attributed to the variable of experience years ( less than 5 years) , ( over 10 years) ( in favour of over 10 years members). Among the members whose experience was rated ( over 10 years), and There are statistically significant differencesthe level of Significance (0.05 ≥α) between Birzeit University and (An-Najah, Arab-American) universities and for Birzeit University in the domains for the goals of e-learning,One of the most important recommendations that researchers recommend is a necessityDesigning suitable curricula for e-learning Keywords: E-learning, Corona Virus - Covid 19, Facultys of Physical Education,Palistain.

هالة مروان موسي جرار
مجلة الابداع الرياضي
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Publication Type
Prtinted only