crises faced by public schools in the province of Nablus and how to manage from the perspective of school administrators themselves
Publication Type
Original research


The study aimed to identify the crises faced by public schools in the province of Nablus and how to manage from the perspective of school administrators themselves, and to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher built-resolution (a tool to study), was formed resolution of (22), paragraph a crisis of school, potential was to identify actions that could turn him managers at the time of crises: the Directorate of Education to inform the police or the guide or parents. The paragraphs of the resolution was drafted after the use of some previous studies, such as: study (Mahdi, Prestige, 1999), study (Shraideh, Araji 2000), study (Abou-Khalil, 2001), in addition to the use of the views of some managers of public schools experienced in this area.

the researcher after the following changes to the crises faced by public schools in the province of Nablus and how to manage (the type of school, experience, gender, educational qualification, accommodation) and the results it is apparent that there was no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) the crises that are with public schools in the province of Nablus and how to manage from the perspective of school administrators themselves due to the variables (type of school, experience, gender, educational qualification, accommodation). Where the results of the study showed that there was no statistically significant differences between the views of women managers in government buildings and rented on the extent of holding down a crisis management operations. While there are no significant differences between the views of the parameters for the parameters in the government buildings, so the researcher recommends the following:

The researcher and its recommendations according to the results and the most important recommendations were related to the following properties:

- On the Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education departments at universities to cooperate with the educational administration in schools; to organize training courses, lectures, and seminars which focus on crisis management operations.

- Conducting a similar study for crisis management operations on the boys' schools and private schools


مجلة التربية وعلم النفس/ جامعة عين شمس
مجلة التربية وعلم النفس/ جامعة عين شمس
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