Assessment of Cost of Type 2 Diabetes Care in Palestine
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Background: Diabetes prevalence at Palestine was 10%, with rising fund crisis and diabetes care problems. There was a limited research concerning diabetes care dimensions (organizational factors and health outcomes) and their predictors. Health outcomes included costs, diabetes self–care management, and glycaemic control. This study evaluated drug utilization pattern, assessed costs and their predictors.

Methods: A signed consent form was obtained from the participants prior to the commencement. This study was carried out at the National Centre for Chronic Diseases and Dermatology, Ramallah, Palestine. It is an–observational follow–up that involved 79 participants selected from patients' list by simple random sampling; they were followed–up for six months. Data on costs was obtained from personal interview in each visit and medical records. Good glycaemic control was defined as HbA1c ≤7%.

Findings: Results showed that most common prescribed medications were Metformin, followed by Insulin. Many of the participants received Statins and almost half of them received Angiotensin–Converting Enzyme Inhibitors. Estimated health care cost was US Dollar 6480. Medications number and Angiotensin–Converting Enzyme Inhibitors were significantly related to health care cost.

Interpretation: reviewing prescription mode, and educational programs that emphasize the diabetes self–care management and the health care providers’ role would be of great benefit in health outcomes.

Conference Title
8- The 2nd International Congress on Social Social Sciences 2018
Conference Country
Conference Date
March 23, 2018 - March 25, 2018
Conference Sponsor
International Balkan University
Additional Info
Conference Website