Safety is one of the most important concerns in transportation. Due to the lack of safety studies for fright transport sector in Palestine, this study was initiated. This research aims to evaluate the current situation in terms of safety aspects for the Palestinian freight transport sector through studying the crashes involving heavy good vehicles (HGVs) in Jenin Governorate and investigating the traffic safety conditions at selected locations in Jenin City. In collaboration with the Unit of Traffic Accidents in the Police Department of Jenin Governorate, data for road crashes were collected for the past four years (2015 - 2018). The collected data were analyzed based on various patterns that might have an impact on traffic safety, such as road classification, lighting condition, casualties, and injuries analysis and pedestrian crash analysis. The results showed that the highest frequency of HGV crashes occurred in year 2017. On average, the HGV crashes on rural roads constituted 75% of the total HGV crashes in the governorate with the vast majority on arterial streets. The types of crash injuries for Jenin Governorate were 53%, 40%, 4%, and 3% for slight, medium, severe, and fatal injuries, respectively. In Jenin City, Yehia Ayash and Haifa Streets had the highest frequency of HGV crashes. This paper highlights one aspect of a sustainable freight system and paves the road for further studies in this field. It also highlights the needed safety actions and improvements to improve the HGV safety conditions.