The magnetic properties of (GaAs) Double Quantum Dots in a Magnetic Field
Publication Type
Conference Paper

The magnetic properties, such as the magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility, of the DQD sysytem which consists of two interacting electrons confined in double quantum dots  had been calculated. The double quantum dots  is under the effect of an applied uniform magnetic field  taken to be along z-direction, in addition to a Gaussian barrier. The variational and exact diagonalization  methods had been used to solve the Hamiltonian of the DQD and compute the magnetic properties of the double quantum dots.  In addition, we had  investigated the dependence of the magnetization and the magnetic susceptibility on the system’s parameters. The singlet-triplet transitions in the ground state of the double quantum dots spectra and the corresponding jumps in the magnetization and magnetic susceptibility curves had also been shown. 

Conference Title
Symposium on “Simulation – based Sciences and Engineering
Conference Country
Conference Date
March 7, 2019 - March 9, 2019
Conference Sponsor
Palestine Academy for science and Technology, Ramallah, Palestine